[PDF] Your Friend As Ever A Lincoln How The Unlikely Friendship Of Gustav Koerner And Abraham Lincoln Changed America Ebook
Gustav K 246 Rner Wikiwand
Your Friend, As Ever, A. Lincoln: How the Unlikely ... Your Friend, As Ever, A. Lincoln: How the Unlikely Friendship of Gustav Koerner and Abraham Lincoln Changed America [Donald Allendorf] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. After being ousted from Germany in 1833 for his radical ideas, Gustav Koerner moved to Illinois to work as a lawyer. Koerner later became an Illinois Supreme Court judge and lieutenant governor. Your Friend, as Ever, A. Lincoln: How the Unlikely ... This work reveals the monumentally influential friendship between America's sixteenth president and Gustav Koerner, a German revolutionary who settled on the Illinois frontier. With research based in unique correspondence previously ignored by Lincoln and Civil War scholars, this innovative volume ... Your Friend, As Ever, A. Lincoln: How the Unlikely ... Your Friend, as Ever, A. Lincoln: How the Unlikely Friendship of Gustave Koerner and Abraham Lincoln Changed America. Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican, 2014. Pp. 336. As early as 1934 the legendary Lincoln scholar James G. Randall, in a well-known article, asked, Has the Lincoln theme been exhausted?
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